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Swap the Meat for Whole Plant Substitutes

A common tendency among people transitioning to a whole food, plant-based diet is to find those delicious recipes or meals that include a meat substitute.  I understand why people would crave the one thing that was the center of their dinner plate for decades.  It’s likely you are missing the flavor, texture, and colors of meat, which fake meat products mimic.  The biggest concerns with many of these products, however, are the isolated soy proteins, textured protein, excessive use of oils, and salts they contain.  You have to pick your battles if you are using these products, but here are some guidelines I use when choosing to play around in the fake meat arena.

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Indianapolis’ Urban Farms Help to Tackle Urban Problems

Indy Urban Acres, a “high-tech hydroponic farm,” is tackling food and job insecurity in Indianapolis. On just five acres of land, the farm produces 35,000 pounds of produce for local food banks annually. The other three acres of the farm are used as an educational space, which is central to the farm’s mission. Tyler Gough,Read more The post Indianapolis’ Urban Farms Help to Tackle Urban Problems appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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What Exactly is a PlantPure Meal Starter?

Many people have been asking what a “PlantPure Kitchen Starter” is.  Here is my attempt to explain why we created them and how they can be a helpful addition to your pantry. Growing up in the 70’s was the beginning of the processed food boom.  My mother was a great cook, but she went backRead more The post What Exactly is a PlantPure Kitchen Starter? appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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Favorite Pumpkin Recipe

Photo courtesy of Pixabay. Laura Dietrich Something about fall makes me want to eat foods made with pumpkin.  I am not sure why, but as soon as the leaves begin to turn and the air gets a bit nippy I want to make something with pumpkin in it.  Pumpkin is not only fun to cookRead more The post Favorite Pumpkin Recipe appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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Tailgating – the PlantPure way!

Laura Dietrich My husband and I love going to football games: the excitement, all of the fans, and of course delicious tailgate food.  It can be somewhat of a challenge though if you are plant-based.  Here are a few tips that we use to make sure we have a fun and healthy tailgating experience: IfRead more The post Tailgating – the PlantPure way! appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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Fall Recipes

Photo Courtesy of Pixabay. The fall months bring some of the best seasonal produce, while also bringing us into holiday season, which is often full of rich and unhealthy foods.  Rather than indulging in candy and baked goods this time of year, enjoy recipes with seasonal fruits and vegetables that you don’t normally use theRead more The post Fall Recipes appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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Cooking with Chia Seeds

Kim Campbell Chia seeds are a fun and delicious addition to many foods.  They have many of the same properties as flax seeds, but you do not need to grind them to get the benefits. They can be used as an egg replacer, gelatin, and a thickener.  And, they are so good for you!  Don’tRead more The post Cooking with Chia Seeds appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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Diet for a Small Planet

       Photo Courtesy of Pixabay In the 1970’s and 80’s, world hunger and famine were common images in the evening news.  Many predicted that diminishing food supply, and growing populations would inevitably lead to a “doomsday scenario.”  Lappe, however, argued for a solution to this scenario, pointing out that there were “more thanRead more The post Diet for a Small Planet appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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What The Heck Is An Instant Pot® and How Do I Use It?

Laura Dietrich As a plant-based eater I have heard quite a few people rave about their Instant Pots.  The only problem for me was that I knew very little about what it was or how to use it.  A friend demonstrated making black beans from scratch and I instantly wanted to have one of myRead more The post What The Heck Is An Instant Pot® and How Do I Use It? appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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Grilling Plant-Based

Laura Dietrich After transitioning to a plant- based diet, many people put away their grills thinking they will never use them again.  The good news is that you can dust off your grill and start to make amazing plant-based creations that have a very unique flavor.  The sky’s the limit when it comes to grillingRead more The post Grilling Plant-Based appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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