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In addition to the recipes on these pages, you can try out our new PlantPure AI recipe tool at PlantPureStarters.com. This tool replicates the culinary style of PlantPure Chef Kim Campbell, while providing an endless array of recipe possibilities based on your own preferences!

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How to Handle Those Tough Questions From Family and Friends

As you transition to a plant-based diet, you may be asked “tough” questions by your friends and family about your new way of eating. The good news is that after the transition, these questions often begin to disappear. Plus, with all of the information on the benefits of plant-based eating penetrating deeper into the mainstream, these types of questions seem to be diminishing.

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A Testimonial From PlantPure Challenge Winners Mark & Jacqui Russett

Three years ago, Mark and I decided to live a plant-based lifestyle... and we did it overnight. We are so passionate about what we have learned, that we want to do our part in spreading this information. This is why we started Plant-Based University (http://www.plant-baseduniversity.com). Our hope is to help those who wish to learn and transition into the plant-based lifestyle.

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A Testimonial From PlantPure Challenge Winner Sharyn Councell

"I've been a strict vegan for many years, and at first I lost a lot of weight.  Then over the past few years, my weight crept back up197lbs to be exact. So I'm struggling along using my fitness pal counting every calorie. Losing weight was such a struggle..."

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A Testimonial From PlantPure Challenge Winner Richard Hubbard

"I lost 150 pounds and have kept it off for almost 5 years now. Initially, I lost the weight because I did not want to be put on blood pressure medication. This helped me learn about what foods I put in my body and what foods to avoid eating in my quest to lower my blood pressure..."

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The Protein-Combining Myth

Recently, my daughter received all of her textbooks before heading off to college this fall.  A required class for first year students is Health.  She started reading through the book and was surprised that they said to approach a plant-based diet with ‘caution’ because you had to watch your nutrients very closely.  They also referred to the “importance of combining vegetarian proteins during a meal to get a complete protein.”  The amazing thing is that this book was published in 2015!  

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A Testimony From PlantPure Challenge Winner Beverly Frans

"Less than a year ago, at the age of 49, I was well into my second year of suffering from angina, shortness of breath, and fatigue. I used the maximum dose of nitroglycerin daily to help with the chest pain, but it didn’t improve my exercise tolerance and I was extremely limited in my day to day activities. A trip to the grocery store would require most of a day to recover from..."

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A Testimony From PlantPure Challenge Winner Karen Kulik

"Hi, My name is Karen and I am 63 years old. My story starts in 2013. I had high blood pressure and had a hard time finding meds I could tolerate. I was at my highest weight,167lbs. All my life I have yoyo'd up and down as much as 25-30 lbs. always to gain it back yet again. I read Joel Furmans' Eat to Live and thought, well I'll give it a try for a month, can't hurt. During that month I also started to educate myself."

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The Story of Us: How a plant-based lifestyle destroyed my world, my wife's world, and our marriage.

About six years ago I decided to give it one more try before I gave up. My goal was simple, I wanted to live one more year. My wife and I had recently buried my dad and her mom, we didn't talk about it but we knew I wasn't too far behind. I looked at the pain in her eyes as she put my socks and shoes on one morning and it hit me... I was next, I was the next loss that she would experience.

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A Testimonial From PlantPure Challenge Winner Brandon Porter

"My name is Brandon Porter, I am a 41 year old male.  Most of my life, as I'm sure is the case with many of us, I knew little about nutrition and ate mostly what I wanted - with the exceptional moment or two of health consciousness that never lasted more than a day or two..."

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An Interview With Jeff Sandborn

Jeff Sandborn lived a pretty average lifestyle following the motto “everything in moderation”. That is why he was surprised to find himself being flown by helicopter to a hospital at the age of 46, where doctors put two stents in him. He was only slightly overweight (35 - 40 lbs), had only slightly high LDL (112-118 mg/dL), and ate everything in moderation. The surgery definitely got his attention and he began making small improvements with his eating habits. Fast forward 2 ½ years and Jeff found himself only slightly healthier.

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