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Mother’s Day Recipes

Photo courtesy of Pixabay. Treat the Mom in your life this Mother’s Day with a treat from The PlantPure Nation Cookbook!   Visit the following links for the full recipe at   Pineapple Coconut Smoothie Colin’s Blueberry Muffins Cranberry Orange Scones Sesame Lettuce Noodle Wraps The post Mother’s Day Recipes appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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Plant-Based Lunchboxes

With limited healthy options in school cafeterias, packing a plant-based lunch is your best option, but it may seem time-consuming and stressful. Follow some of these ideas and tips to make lunch-packing an easy part of your routine. 1.) Keep it simple. Dreena Burton’s Guide for Plant-Based Lunchboxes emphasizes the importance of sticking with thingsRead more The post Plant-Based Lunchboxes appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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Supplementing Your Jumpstart Meals

Jumpstart meals provide a great base meal, but supplementing them with leafy greens, salads, and other vegetables can help keep you full, and makes the meals more satisfying and nutritious overall. Try some of these quick, easy, and budget-friendly ideas for supplementation: 1. Try blanching collard greens, kale, or turnip greens and making mini wraps.Read more The post Supplementing Your Jumpstart Meals appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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Introducing PlantPure Radio!

Photo Courtesy of Pixels.     Join us for the launch of PlantPure Radio ( this Thursday, April 28, at 12 p.m. EST. PlantPure Radio will be hosted by Lee Fulkerson, writer and director of Forks Over Knives, and co-writer of PlantPure Nation. Lee will launch the first episode of his broadcast, “Conversations with LeeRead more The post Introducing PlantPure Radio! appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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Food is Elementary

Listen to Antonia Demas, founder and director of the Food Studies Institute, discuss overhauling food education on the Plant Yourself Podcast by visiting:   Demas became interested in food and nutrition at a young age, becoming a vegetarian at 14, when vegetarianism was far less common. Her passion is educating children about food, through whatRead more The post Food is Elementary appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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The Lowdown on Gluten

    Gluten-free options for gluten sensitivity and gluten intolerance have become increasingly available within the past few years. This increase in gluten-free options has also created the notion that, ideally, we’re all better off avoiding gluten. The reality isn’t so simple though. Most of the gluten-free products on the market are processed. Breads, wraps,Read more The post The Lowdown on Gluten appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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Plant-Based and Prepared

Busy schedules and lack of time are significant barriers to maintaining a WFPB lifestyle. Fortunately, with some extra planning and organization, maintaining this lifestyle can be done relatively simply. Being prepared is important for staying motivated and not going hungry. Check out some of our favorite tips and resources.   Lunch Packing: Use an insulatedRead more The post Plant-Based and Prepared appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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