GMOs—Business as Usual?

By now, most of us know what a GMO is. But just to make sure, GMO stands for genetically modified organism. It’s mainly applied to genetically altered plants—many of which are consumed by people, and/or animals that are then consumed by people. By now, most people also know that there is a raging debate in this country—and indeed the world—about the safety of consuming GMOs. Proponents say that GMOs help grow more food, are more resistant to damage by insects and have several other advantages. Opponents site safety concerns about eating genetically altered food. They also want growers and manufacturers to label foods that contain GMOs.

As of now, opponents of GMOs seem to be losing the battle—and losing it big. GMOs have been on the market for about 20 years. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, an astonishing 70 percent of processed foods contain at least one ingredient derived from a GMO. Countries in the European Union now have strict labeling laws pertaining to foods containing GMOs. Shouldn’t we in the United States have similar laws, so consumers will at least be able to make an informed judgment about what to put in their bodies? Common sense says yes. But “business as usual” says no—and unfortunately it’s “business as usual” that rules the roost in the land of the free.

Here’s yet another example of why we can’t leave it to our elected officials to protect our health. GMOs are produced by some of the largest and wealthiest corporations in the world—companies such as Monsanto and Cargill. Where there’s wealth, there’s power, and where there’s both, you’re more than likely to find politicians lining up for a place at the trough. That’s just the way of the world and there’s nothing we can do about it, right? Wrong! Here at PPN, we’re determined to change this twisted paradigm through real, grassroots action. So come join us!

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.