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In addition to the recipes on these pages, you can try out our new PlantPure AI recipe tool at PlantPureStarters.com. This tool replicates the culinary style of PlantPure Chef Kim Campbell, while providing an endless array of recipe possibilities based on your own preferences!

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Build a Bowl Meals

The most recent trend in the food world is to create a one dish/bowl style meal, often referred to as “Buddha Bowls,” “Hippie Bowls,” “Monk Bowls,” or “Power Bowls.”  Americans are used to separating their foods and I grew up with one sibling who was averse to peas touching potatoes, so this bowl concept is outside the box for many traditional eaters.  But recipes and eating are evolving and bowl style meals are all about breaking the rules.  

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Fun With Spuds

A simple potato can serve as the base for any meal, and also makes a great snack. Not only are potatoes inexpensive and satisfying, but with so many varieties and endless cooking options, you never have to be bored with potatoes. Here are some of our favorite ways to cook and prepare potatoes. Read more  The post Fun With Spuds appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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