A PlantPure Testimonial: Janeen Beard

Three years ago, Janeen Beard felt like she was 100 years old.  She was suffering from 30 different ailments including high blood pressure (195/95), high cholesterol (over 300), neuropathy in both her hands and feet, and a severe dry eye condition that her ophthalmologist described as the worst case she had seen in her 35 years of practice.  Janeen knew something had to change so she did some research and found a physician she thought would be able to help her. The physician recommended Janeen try something "a little unusual" for three weeks to see if it helped her conditions. This ‘something unusual’ turned out to be a whole food, plant-based diet.  

Janeen was amazed and relieved to see that after only three weeks, 29 out of her 30 conditions either improved significantly or were completely resolved.  When asked what surprised her the most, she stated it was the complete reversal of her neuropathy. In her words, she felt like she “got her hands and feet back”.  She was also amazed that the severe dry eye condition resolved itself in just three weeks. Previously, she had two surgeries for this condition and the next one is considered  high risk. As an added bonus, her cholesterol dropped 100 points!

Because Janeen is a retired nurse she wanted to investigate the research behind this new found solution.  She quickly came across Dr. Campbell’s book, The China Study, which convinced her that she was on the right path. She has now taken the eCornell  Plant-Based Certification course, obtained a certification as a whole foods plant based culinary chef, and is finishing up a certification in Holistic Nutrition.  These courses coupled with her nursing degree provide a strong foundation for reaching her new goal to reach as many people as possible in order to educate them on the benefits of this ‘unusual’ lifestyle.

After watching PlantPure Nation, she contacted Nelson Campbell and offered to host a Healing America event in her hometown of Warren, Pennsylvania.  Janeen and her husband John became enthusiastic promoters of the event, even convincing three large companies to do a Corporate Wellness Jumpstart Challenge.  The event begins on October 2nd, and culminates with a trophy they created for the company with the best overall biometric improvements. The city-wide event will be held on their farm and feature homemade kettles of apple butter and a delicious plant-based meal using vegetables they have grown.

Janeen and John had been well known in the community for providing instruction on barbequing everything from bear and buffalo to porcupine.  However, their new passion for this new whole food, plant-based lifestyle is now impacting their entire community. Janeen hosts a monthly plant-based supper club on their farm that attracts 50 people, with the numbers growing every month.   She started by teaching one cooking class per month and is now teaching four each month, as well as working with local physicians who are interested in using plant-based nutrition to help improve patient health. John and Janeen are an inspiration for anyone wanting to have a positive impact on an entire community.