Planning...the key to success!

As you begin to make whole food, plant-based (WFPB) eating part of your new lifestyle, a key skill that needs to be sharpened is learning to plan.  In the past as a SAD (Standard American Diet) eater, you might have run to a drive-thru or popped a frozen pizza in the microwave when you were hungry. The problem is that these habits harm your health and well-being.  It takes a little planning in order to smoothly make the transition to being a WFPB eater.

On the weekend, take a few minutes to consider your upcoming week.  Which days will be  busy and which will allow you time to cook?  Then, make a menu based on your schedule. For the busy days, either make the meal ahead of time and freeze it or consider having some PlantPure frozen entrees on hand so you can just heat one up when you walk in the door.  On the days that you do have an extra 30 minutes, choose a simple recipe that is easy to put together. Make sure you shop for all of the ingredients on the weekend when you have more time. That way when you start to cook it is both efficient and stress-free.  A final idea is to make a double batch and take leftovers to work the next day! With a little planning, the transition to plant-based eating will be a breeze!


With thirty entrees to choose from, PlantPure meals are the most convenient, healthy and inexpensive delivered foods available on-line!  Our meals have no added oils and are priced lower than most fast foods.  Order today at: