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In addition to the recipes on these pages, you can try out our new PlantPure AI recipe tool at PlantPureStarters.com. This tool replicates the culinary style of PlantPure Chef Kim Campbell, while providing an endless array of recipe possibilities based on your own preferences!

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Race for the Cure: A Closer Look

This video was taken while on tour with the documentary film, PlantPure Nation, in the spring of 2015. It highlights the problem with current cancer research, which is focused on developing pharmaceuticals, and other forms of traditional medical treatment, which leave diet out of the picture altogether.   Underscoring the problem, Veg News wrote inRead more The post Race for the Cure: A Closer Look appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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A Plant Fueled Cross Country Cycling Tour

  Marianne Shalewa has been planning this trip for the past three years, and after meeting her boyfriend, Matt, two years ago, they decided to embark on the adventure together. After all of the planning, the adventure is finally happening in June! They will cycle from Tofino, British Columbia, to St. John’s, Newfoundland. In general,Read more The post A Plant Fueled Cross Country Cycling Tour appeared first on PlantPure Nation.

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