The Challenges of Adopting a WFPB Diet, Part 2

In our last blog post, we covered a couple of the challenges many people face when adopting a whole-food, plant-based diet. Continuing in that vein, we’ll be addressing a few more with this post.

Lack of resolve: Millions of people across the country have tried multiple “fad” diets in an effort to lose weight, improve their health, or both. Many of them have had some initial success, but almost all end up drifting back to their old, unhealthy eating habits. One reason for this is that fad diets are often based on consuming large amounts of a single type of food (such as fruit), and/or are focused on slashing calorie consumption. After a while, people get sick of the lack of variety in their foods or just can’t stand being hungry all the time. Preconditioned by previous failures, folks like these will often shy away from even trying a WFPB diet.

But a WFPB diet is neither a diet of radical food restrictions nor of calorie consumption limits. There’s an enormous variety of delicious, healthy, plant-based foods to choose from. And you can eat pretty much all you want, whenever you want. Also, people often experience tremendous benefits from a WFPB diet in as little as a few days (such as the 10-day PlantPure Jumpstart Program, as shown in the PlantPure Nation film).

Outside pressure: This is another, very difficult challenge for those trying to adopt a WFPB diet. Will friends or family members ridicule your bowl of plant-based chili as they scarf down a big plate of prime rib? It sounds silly, but as social animals, we’re hard-wired to value the approval of others. However, we’re also individuals, with the freedom to make our own choices—good or bad. All the evidence shows that eating a WFPB diet is a good choice. So fear not. The people in your life who really have your best interests at heart will support you—guaranteed.

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.