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Enchiladas with Mole Sauce

Enchiladas with Mole Sauce This recipe gets to the essence of a great enchilada, where the flavors build from the inside out.  This enchilada begins with a black bean filling, which is wrapped in a corn tortilla and smothered with a simple yet decadent mole sauce blending sweet and savory flavors.  You’ll never return to a red enchilada sauce again!   Prep time:  30 minutes Cook time: 25 minutes Serves: 4-6 Ingredients    Mole Sauce 1 large onion, diced 4 garlic cloves 1-15 ounce can tomato sauce 1 cup water 3 tablespoons chili powder  3 tablespoons cocoa powder 2 tablespoons all natural peanut butter or almond butter 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup 1 ½ tablespoons lime juice 1 teaspoon ancho chili powder 1 teaspoon ground cumin ½...

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