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Haley's Inspiring Journey - Part 2

In our previous newsletter, we covered Haley Vasuki’s amazing plant-based journey in part one of our interview with her, leaving off with when she watched the PlantPure Nation film in 2017.  After watching the movie, Haley told us that she was “moved to tears” and knew she had to start a Pod.  She already had an established Facebook group called Haley’s Plant-Based Cooking Club, which was geared towards mothers and children and provided recipes and educational materials.  She wanted the Pod to focus on creating a plant-based movement within her community and to use plant-based foods as a catalyst for good. Haley held her first Pod meeting in her home and offered a brunch consisting of sweet potato waffles and...

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Haley's Inspiring Journey - Part 1

In the first part of this two-part interview, we will introduce Haley Vasuki and cover her inspiring plant-based journey. Haley Vasuki’s plant-based journey began 10 years ago when several events occurred that changed the direction of her life.  At age 23, she began having GI issues that required a colonoscopy, which revealed multiple pre-cancerous polyps. Because eating red meat was a risk factor, she decided to cut it out of her diet. She also read a book called The Kind Diet and for the first time thought about the food she ate and the effect it had on her body, the environment, and animals, although she wasn’t ready to give up all animal products yet.   At the same time, Haley...

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One Physician Changing Many People’s Lives!

Like most Argentinians, Dr. Diego Ponieman grew up thinking that a meal wasn’t a meal without meat.  As he began his medical career and counseled obese and diabetic patients, he recommended a low-carb, meat-centered, and portion-controlled diet. Unfortunately, these strategies almost never worked. The vast majority of his patients didn’t lose weight.  Dr. Ponieman didn’t know what to do next; like many physicians, he’d received almost no nutrition education during medical school or at medical conferences after graduation. Dr. Ponieman himself was already on blood pressure and cholesterol medication by the time he was 30.  His brother and father had the same conditions, so Dr. Ponieman assumed this was his genetic fate. But he was curious, and began combing through...

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Making Ripples Across the Pond

It is amazing how a simple change made by one person can have a ripple effect on many lives within a community.  Meet John Munro, CEO of Wessex Heartbeat in Wessex, England. Wessex Heartbeat is a non-profit organization that exists to ensure that people being treated at the Wessex Cardiac Centre are provided with the best possible care and support.  An average of 30,000 people go to the Wessex Cardiac Centre each year for a variety of cardiac health–related problems.   In 2004, John would not have described himself as the picture of health. At 6’3” and 20 stone (or 280 lbs.), he was overweight, and knew that he was not a good role model for his charity.  John’s father, who...

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Making positive changes with Dr. Matt Kesler

When Dr. Matthew Kesler joined the Air Force, he was ready for a change. He had worked as a pediatrician for 14 years and in his words was “burned out and ready for an adventure.” After joining the Air Force, he was stationed at Yokota Air Base in Japan from February 2014 to July 2018. During that time he initiated three plant-based Jumpstarts using the PlantPure Health & Weight Loss Seminar—something that had never been done before! Dr. Kesler’s interest in plant-based eating began on November 1, 2016, when a friend sent him Dr. Greger’s How Not To Die YouTube video. He watched it and has been plant-based ever since. He also completed the eCornell course, read books, and attended...

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Nelson's 6-7-2019 update

I am feeling optimistic today! I just heard something I have never heard from the mainstream media. On a CBS news show, a physician reporter discussed a provocative new study, which suggests that both red and white meats have similar effects on cholesterol. The physician reporter explained that the food-cholesterol connection is more complicated than it was previously assumed, and that perhaps animal protein, present in both red and white meats, is a key factor in causing high cholesterol. She also discussed the gut biome as a possible factor in this chain of causation. And best of all? She encouraged viewers to move from animal to plant foods.

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PlantPure Health & Weight Loss Seminar Press Release

PlantPure, Inc. announced today (February 12th, 2019) the online launch of its successful Health and Weight Loss seminar. Created by the Producer of the hit documentaries Forks Over Knives (2011) and PlantPure Nation (2015), the five-hour program features many experts and luminaries in the plant-based field and covers everything a beginner needs to know and how to incorporate it into a lasting lifestyle.

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A PlantPure Testimonial: Eloise Chocalas

The story of Eloise’s plant-based transition is highly unusual because throughout her life, quite a few physicians suggested she look into a vegan diet before she actually made the change. Her story begins in the 1980s when she was working in Silicon Valley and was a self-described type A personality. At 122 lbs., she looked healthy on the outside, but had high cholesterol.  Interestingly, her physician recommended that she change over to a vegetarian diet to control her cholesterol. At the time, Eloise did not take his advice, but later wished she could turn back the clock to transition to a plant-based lifestyle much sooner.

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5 Ideas to Beat the Winter Blues!

In the winter, when the days are short and clouds hide the sun, it can be hard to stay upbeat. If you’re like many people, this time of year can be a challenge. In fact, approximately 20% of us feel the winter blues. However, you can take heart because there are some surprisingly simple things you can do to brighten your day.

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2019: The Year of the Vegan!

I do not consider myself to be a trendsetter. In fact, I am typically the last person to adopt a new fashion—usually right before it goes out of style! So when I reviewed the recent statistics associated with plant-based eating, you can imagine my surprise when I realized I really am a trendsetter!   The trends around the vegan/plant-based movement are nothing short of amazing. 31% of Americans now practice meat-free days each week. Last year, 51% of chefs in the U.S. added vegan options to their menus. 6% of Americans now identify themselves as vegan, which is an increase of 600% in just three years! Fourteen years ago, when my family and I began our transition to a plant-based lifestyle,...

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