When January 1st, 2018 rolled around, Annie Oliver knew she had to make a change to improve her health. Like many women, Annie had struggled with her weight for years, gaining and then losing the same 25 pounds. She tried the Paleo diet and lost 30 pounds, but unfortunately, she regained the weight. The thought of eating all of that meat and cheese again literally made her feel ill. Two things happened that helped guide her to a solution. Annie’s sister had recently changed to a vegan lifestyle and, as a result, had lost weight and felt great. At about the same time, she saw an ad for the PlantPure Health and Weight Loss pilot program in her local newspaper...
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On January 1, 2019 we are launching the PlantPure Health & Weight Loss Online Seminar. A comprehensive yet straight forward educational program such as this has been needed for a long time. It was designed for people who have not even heard about the plant-based diet, but are intrigued at the prospect of better health and lower weight by eating smarter and adapting a healthier lifestyle. Participants learn at their own pace and progress through five modules, each delivered on video.
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There is nothing like a little friendly competition to motivate people! That is just what three Warren, Pennsylvania companies did to improve their employees’ health. A few months ago, the Healing America tour came to Warren and we had the opportunity to meet with these companies. Not one of the companies had management staff that were already plant-based; however, they were open to new ideas to improve their employees’ health and wellbeing.
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Ever wonder how you can optimize the aging process? We interviewed Marge Lieblein to gain her insight on this topic. Marge is 84 and lives a vibrant, active life. She began transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle 14 years ago when her daughter started peppering her with articles, books, and documentaries on the benefits of a plant-based diet. Reading the research influenced her to transition to this lifestyle and continues to reinforce her motivation to stay plant-based. The transition was slow, but steady, and today she describes herself as a “mostly plant-based eater”. When asked if her plant-based diet has affected aging, she responds with a resounding “Definitely!” She and her husband were very social during their 40s, 50s, and 60s;...
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Last week, we finally heard mention in the mainstream press of the connection between food and climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a report on climate change and noted this important connection, which major media outlets picked up. The IPCC argued in their report that we have just over a decade left to make the transformational changes required to avert catastrophic climate change. As some climate scientists have pointed out since the issuance of the report, they built their argument on conservative assumptions that excluded uncertain but very important feedback loops. On the flip side, while noting the food-climate connection (a good thing), they understated the power of our food choices to mitigate climate change. In...
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On November 1, the nonprofit PlantPure Communities is holding its annual Party with a Purpose event in NYC. Anyone is welcome to attend. My father, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, will start off the evening with some discussion about the importance of grassroots action to promote the message of plant-based nutrition, and then I will follow with some discussion about how we can do what he suggests. Executive Director Jody Kass will finish the presentation segment with a short update of recent progress by PlantPure Communities. Once the presentations are done, we will have a lively Q & A session. If you are interested, you can find more detail here. Much has happened since our last event a year ago. The Pod network...
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Three years ago, Janeen Beard felt like she was 100 years old. She was suffering from 30 different ailments including high blood pressure (195/95), high cholesterol (over 300), neuropathy in both her hands and feet, and a severe dry eye condition that her ophthalmologist described as the worst case she had seen in her 35 years of practice. Janeen knew something had to change so she did some research and found a physician she thought would be able to help her. The physician recommended Janeen try something "a little unusual" for three weeks to see if it helped her conditions. This ‘something unusual’ turned out to be a whole food, plant-based diet. Janeen was amazed and relieved to see...
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Six months ago, Matt Gagnon weighed 100 lbs more than he does today and was on medicine for two different chronic diseases. Matt had been on many diets over the years and had gained and lost 60 to 80 lbs multiple times. His diet was mostly meat and fast food, so how did he break this unhealthy cycle? He watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and was so inspired that he decided to try juicing for 2 months.
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In 2014, Sara Cates began to experience dizziness, fainting, and could not walk more than 10 to 15 feet without fainting. After testing, Sara was diagnosed with a rare fatal disease called Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. At this stage of the disease, she had right side heart failure and was on oxygen 24/7...
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Coffee and health is controversial for some, and not a topic I am addressing here. However, if you want to know more about coffee and your health, you might want to check out an article by Dr. Michael Greger at https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/coffee/. Rather than addressing the health issue, this blog is about creamers!
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