Sauces & Dressings

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Zucchini Cakes & Vegan Tzatziki Sauce

Zucchini Cakes are a summertime favorite and they’re a perfect way to use up all those extra  zucchini in the garden.  These cakes have the unique flavor of the sea so think “crabcakes”!  Serve them over a bed of lettuce and top with Tzatziki Sauce.  Sign up to receive the recipe and grocery list a week before each each LIVE show so you can cook along with Chef Kim. 🥄 Kitchen Tools  Large baking sheet/parchment paper Knives & Cutting Boards High Speed Blender Vegetable grater or food processor Large and small mixing bowls Wood spoons and spatulas Zucchini Cakes Prep time    30 minutes   Cook time   40 minutes     Yield               6 servings 🌱 Ingredients      Zucchini Cakes: One 15-ounce can garbanzo beans,...

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